Monday, September 15, 2008

Waiting patiently

OK so I am waiting here not doing my homework like a good college student and waiting for the release of "star Wars: The Force Unleashed".

Today I decided to look at reviews of the game and gamespot and IGN have given it 75% and 73% respectively. I personally played the shit out of the demo and loved it just because of the freedom it allowed me. I was also geeking out about the DMM technology that they incorporated with the game where materials behave like they are suppose to.

I am also excited about the story, its been a while since there has been a good story game. I really like the games like Gears of War or Halo that although have an on rails play style tell a great story. Many of the criticisms where the "polish" of the game, but they say that the story is the "best" of the Star Wars series. I personally look to games like this as a new medium of storytelling not just another bin to throw my time away.

regardless of the poor reviews so far I am still going to be at our midnight launch.

I am almost thinking that this game will be one of those sleeper "assassin creed" type games. That game got terrible reviews out of the gate, but as others took their time and played the game how they wanted to play it the game really kicked some ass.

I just can't wait to throw some storm troopers into walls and smash R2-D2 out an airlock window.

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